I think I should just make WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE a regular installation here on FTPM. These things just jump out at me.
Today's article deals with a mother who is upset over an award little angel won in school. Excuse me for saying this but the kid really does not deserve it..."Whoa" says the honey badger,"aren't you a teacher?" Yes, honey badger I am a teacher. As a teacher I say the kid doesn't deserve the award, the parent does. As an elementary student the kid should be responsible for doing the homework, but the parent is responsible for making sure it gets done..and turned in. That would certainly hold true the middle schoolers too. You have no idea how many times I hear "Well he says he doesn't have homework." Yes ma'am you kid does have homework and you just got taken by an 8th grader.
Research would support my claims as well. According to just about ever piece of research I have read, a child brain is not fully capable of processing everything received until around 24 or 25. That's not to say that over time the child cannot handle more complex ideas, thoughts, and can but not fully. As an elementary school student, the child developmentally should not be responsible for remembering their homework all the time. Doing the homework, absolutely, but getting it turned in..every time is a bit much. Therefore I content the parent should get the award. The kid should get some kind of creativity award for coming up with all the excuses. (All I could muster was "I forgot" or "I didn't do it." )
And frankly friends, where does this parent get off fussing over a stupid award like this? "It's a slap in the face." says the honey badger. Yes honey badger, the parent's face. It's not the teacher's fault the kid did not turn in their homework. It's not the teacher's fault the kid is probably not know for anything besides not turning in the homework. While it might have tarnished the otherwise spotless record of this child, (please insert your own sarcastic tone here. It is more effective if you do) this award should serve as a wake up call to not only this parent involved but all parents. Teachers notice when your kid is not doing what they are supposed, and we REALLY notice when you are not doing what YOU are supposed to be doing. Behavior in school reflect behavior at home. If your child is a jerk at home, 10 to 1 says they are at school. "Angel at school, heaven at home." a teacher friend is fond of saying. If you do your job as a parent, our job as a teacher is better done. We are teachers my friend, not child rearers.

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