Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Two Cents

As many of you know North Carolina voted yesterday to not support an amendment allowing gay marriage in the state.  I have but two thought on the subject, and they are worth about a penny apiece in what has been a market flooded with opinions on both sides.

$.01:  Marriage is the craziest thing two people can set out to endure.  Do not take me for a skeptic, I have been married and I want to get married again to the right person. I have that person in mind, and that person is someone I am willing to undertake such an journey..  I support marriages, and want marriages to last, I like marriages, but the idea is damned crazy.  Any two people leveling the burden of commitment on themselves for a lifetime is nuts.  Nothing lasts a life time without changing.  The earth moves and shifts, rocks crumble and all those anologies the 80's hair bands would have you believe. The marriage you enter on your wedding day will not be the one you leave to meet your maker in.  It takes the utmost commitment and dedication to surmount such a fluid relationship. Marriage is the ultimate gamble, so it is not for the faint of heart.  Those who seek it out should be allowed to start down the trail.  I applaud you, and those who have made it work.  You have succeeded in a venture I have failed at once, but am willing to embark on again


$.01: Since when was marriage in the United States, North Carolina, or any other state a religious event anyway?  Marriage is a legal contract, if you so chose to allow religious over-tones, then so be it but it is at the very crux a legal entity.  Why we have allowed a specific religious view point govern this or any other public action taken by Americans is beyond me.  Was this country not founded on religious desention and freedom from/of belief?  I see this maneuver not as a protection of religion but one of overwhelming tyranny. Just because one understanding of the Bible says homosexuality is a sin does not mean that all viewpoints do.  Just because some Judeo-Christians see it that way does not mean the Hindu, Budhist, Muslims or Jews of this country, the state of North Carolina, or any other state see it that way.

$.01 + $.01= $.02 so I will draw to a close.

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