Usually I try not to be so negative, and the next post I have in mind is much more high brow but I thought I would take a few minutes to highlight some of the more stupid things the Republican Nominees have said. As usual though, I want to offer a few different points of view
Ok, lets go with the idea that it was a flub. He may very well care about poor people. What gets me was that he wonders if there is a safety net, and whether it needs fixing. How out of touch does a person need to be before they are not sure if the safety net in American needs to be fixed? Is it at the millionaire mark? The billionaire mark? Of course Mitt, the safety nets needs to be fixed. We absolutely need to social programs in this country, and we need to improve them tremendously. We need to make them more effective in order to help the most people, the best way possible. Yes Mitt, there is a Santa Claus, and there is a safety net too.
Poor Newt. My only hope is that Newt's ancestors came across the ocean speaking the "language of prosperity." My guess is they did not. Shall we look a Newts family history to see? What kind of name is Gingrich? For the sake of argument, let us assume German. Shall for the sake of argument harken back to say the early 1900's when speaking German was frowned upon. The 1900's when German families changed their names to avoid repercussion. In the 1900's, Newt, I would bet someone may well have looked at the German neighborhoods and said "They need to learn English, and stop living in those ghettos." Now how does it feel Newt? Stop for a change, and think about what you are going to say, and the historical implications. You are after all a history professor.
Ok, so he wants to preserve the rights of family, and happiness. Good! Finally some sense spoken from the mouth of one of these guys, but wait! What if you are gay? Are the second class citizens? Are they to be denied unalienable rights simply because who they go to bed with? What ever happened to the notion of American values that Republicans are supposed to be so proud of? The idea that all people are created equal? We all have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, right? Guess that doesn't apply to homosexuals, immigrants, poor, or non-Christians. Sorry guys and gals. Better luck next time.
We'll make sure your the first one up there Newt!
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