Thursday, February 23, 2012

Okay This Goes A Bit Too Far

I caught this trolling for fuel to keep the fairtopartlymoderate engine running and was pretty disgusted.  Here at fairtopartlymoderate, I try to be as moderate as I can in both my opinions and what I write about. With that in mind I found this to be way over the top.  There is simply no need to add this type of argument (or pictures for that matter) to the political debate.  I am by no means trying to involve myself in some inner-blog shouting match, that is not what this blog does, but I would like to point out what other blogs are talking about. A reasonable debate over why they felt compelled to publish such an article would be nice. 

That being said, what would be the down side to having a President involved in a secret society?  We have had Presidents be Freemasons, Elks, Lions, Skull and Bones (i have to admit they are alittle shady) and a whole host of other organizations. These Presidents are also those consistently ranked in the top ten Presidents.  Being a member of society teaches one to get along with other people of various classes, opinions, races, and occupations. I recently wrote ( about how uncivil Congress has become, and if more members of Congress were a part (and active in) of such organizations that incivility may decrease. 

I see no problem with Rick Santorum being Opus Dei, if he is.  What I have a problem with is people feeling the need to sensationalize political debate with lude pictures and innuendo that is not necessary to debate politics

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