Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Long Term Solutions Or More Short Term Problems

I like this article for two reasons. Numnero uno is the fact that it actually provides some support for President Obama in a time when it goes a long way. The second fact is that it shows some understanding of the world in which we operate.

Since I have started this blog, I have made it a point to remain positive.  At times it has not worked, but one area that I know I have done a good job is in supporting President Obama.  I will admit that I did not vote for him, and was not a fan during the election.  In watching the policies of the administration, however, I have decided that in due time, President Obama will see success.   When I read this article, I was relieved to see that there are a few of us our will show support through rational thought and understanding of the complex nature of governing.

What many people forget is that President Obama inherited the economy left by President Bush.  That alone should be measure enough for some of the President's detractors to break camp and run.  Those left need to be reminded that our economy naturally fluctuate between expansion and contraction. If President Obama had been handed a perfect economy, would their be as many who oppose him? I contend, and will continue to do so, that the support from the public will do more in the line of repairing our country, then the continual tearing down of our leaders and their leadership. That does not mean we do not speak out if there is injustice, but support when needed.

The second thing I would like to highlight is how rational the support for President Obama is in this article.  The author understands that President Obama is looking at the long term picture rather than focusing on the short term problems. Economist will argue that it takes four to five years to recover from a economic recession, with a recession involving the housing market (like current recession) taking anywhere from nine to twelve years to mend. What we are asking of our leadership is to fix the economy yesterday, and this is not right.

If there is any doubt that recessions or depressions are not short term fixes, look at our very own Great Depression.  It was not concluded by one single action by President Roosevelt.  It took two New Deal packages, and World War Two to pull us completely out.  I am by no means advocating a world war, so I will be happy with the economic packages that President Obama purposes. What many Americans sadly forget is that America has edured far more, and far greater parels than we face today.  The only difference between the Civil War, Great Depression, and today is the willingness of Americans in those times to wait patiently until the problems are fully solved.  Today, we lack the resolve to see many things through, and not re-electing President Obama might just prove that point even further

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