Education has been on the brain..sorry..we'll return to our regularly scheduled politics when something gets cranked up again
If You Like History, Politics,Political Science, Education, Political Education And Educational Politics You Have Come To The Right Spot
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Where Are The Now? Politics Version
As I looked over the labels I have posted about in the past I decided that I have not written much on the former contenders for the Republican nomination in 2012 primary. My favorite, Ron Paul is still in the face, but second favorite Jon Huntsman has long since dropped out. So I asked myself "Where is Jon Huntsman?" Then more importantly I asked "Where are Jon Huntsman's daughters?"
Huntsman has decided to stand down his political career for the time being but has not ruled out runs in the future. This is a bit of a sad truth, as I think he would be a very good VP candidate for Ron Paul..yeah Ron Paul..Paul/ has a ring to it. So let be be the first to endorse the Paul/ Huntsman ticket in 2012. Who cares if he doesn't want it..throw him on there anyway.
As I looked over the labels I have posted about in the past I decided that I have not written much on the former contenders for the Republican nomination in 2012 primary. My favorite, Ron Paul is still in the face, but second favorite Jon Huntsman has long since dropped out. So I asked myself "Where is Jon Huntsman?" Then more importantly I asked "Where are Jon Huntsman's daughters?"
Huntsman has decided to stand down his political career for the time being but has not ruled out runs in the future. This is a bit of a sad truth, as I think he would be a very good VP candidate for Ron Paul..yeah Ron Paul..Paul/ has a ring to it. So let be be the first to endorse the Paul/ Huntsman ticket in 2012. Who cares if he doesn't want it..throw him on there anyway.
What Is Wrong With This Picture?!?
I think I should just make WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE a regular installation here on FTPM. These things just jump out at me.
Today's article deals with a mother who is upset over an award little angel won in school. Excuse me for saying this but the kid really does not deserve it..."Whoa" says the honey badger,"aren't you a teacher?" Yes, honey badger I am a teacher. As a teacher I say the kid doesn't deserve the award, the parent does. As an elementary student the kid should be responsible for doing the homework, but the parent is responsible for making sure it gets done..and turned in. That would certainly hold true the middle schoolers too. You have no idea how many times I hear "Well he says he doesn't have homework." Yes ma'am you kid does have homework and you just got taken by an 8th grader.
Research would support my claims as well. According to just about ever piece of research I have read, a child brain is not fully capable of processing everything received until around 24 or 25. That's not to say that over time the child cannot handle more complex ideas, thoughts, and can but not fully. As an elementary school student, the child developmentally should not be responsible for remembering their homework all the time. Doing the homework, absolutely, but getting it turned in..every time is a bit much. Therefore I content the parent should get the award. The kid should get some kind of creativity award for coming up with all the excuses. (All I could muster was "I forgot" or "I didn't do it." )
And frankly friends, where does this parent get off fussing over a stupid award like this? "It's a slap in the face." says the honey badger. Yes honey badger, the parent's face. It's not the teacher's fault the kid did not turn in their homework. It's not the teacher's fault the kid is probably not know for anything besides not turning in the homework. While it might have tarnished the otherwise spotless record of this child, (please insert your own sarcastic tone here. It is more effective if you do) this award should serve as a wake up call to not only this parent involved but all parents. Teachers notice when your kid is not doing what they are supposed, and we REALLY notice when you are not doing what YOU are supposed to be doing. Behavior in school reflect behavior at home. If your child is a jerk at home, 10 to 1 says they are at school. "Angel at school, heaven at home." a teacher friend is fond of saying. If you do your job as a parent, our job as a teacher is better done. We are teachers my friend, not child rearers.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
That's It! The Boycott Is On
As I have written before, I am a huge fan of Charlotte, North
Carolina. Yes, it's a little hot, and the Bobcats suck, but it is still
a hip little town. There are plenty of things to do, places to go and
see, nice little restaurants that serve good food. What I am not a fan
of is the road situation in Charlotte for the impending Democratic
National Convention. If this weekend's race is anything indication of
what it is going to be like with the Democrats in town then I would
reconsider seriously coming to the Convention.
Compounding the problem is the idea that Charlotte is ferociously trying to repave and resurface many of the major arteries in town now as well. This leads to ROUGH conditions on some of the very roads that President and the left leaners will be traveling to party, and do whatever else it is they do at a national convention. This is now why I have chosen to start my full on boycott of Charlotte for the Democratic National Convention. Again it is not that I hate Charlotte, nor will I not participate in the goings on IF I live in Charlotte at the time, but should I not live there you can count me out.
With traffic jams, and crappy road, those who are attending can expect to be spending some dough on either gas, repairs, or both. That is less money to spend on a nice meal in one of the many restaurants, tickets to the many art museums, or even tickets to a big time concert. This is why, should I not be living in Charlotte, I will not be participating. I urge all of you who might be considering going, to reconsider seriously. If you do go, reconfigure your budget for gas by as much as three tanks of gas. You will burn that much if not more on sitting in traffic. Also budget into your plans a re-alignment of your tires once you get back. You will need it.
So again, this is a call for all those considering attendance at the Democratic National Convention to reconsider. If you do go, adjust your budget for plenty of gas, and reconsider spending it on anything but the bare essentials. This sucks, but Charlotte needs to understand that while road work is progress, doing so in the middle of the highest gas prices in years is not a good idea.
Compounding the problem is the idea that Charlotte is ferociously trying to repave and resurface many of the major arteries in town now as well. This leads to ROUGH conditions on some of the very roads that President and the left leaners will be traveling to party, and do whatever else it is they do at a national convention. This is now why I have chosen to start my full on boycott of Charlotte for the Democratic National Convention. Again it is not that I hate Charlotte, nor will I not participate in the goings on IF I live in Charlotte at the time, but should I not live there you can count me out.
With traffic jams, and crappy road, those who are attending can expect to be spending some dough on either gas, repairs, or both. That is less money to spend on a nice meal in one of the many restaurants, tickets to the many art museums, or even tickets to a big time concert. This is why, should I not be living in Charlotte, I will not be participating. I urge all of you who might be considering going, to reconsider seriously. If you do go, reconfigure your budget for gas by as much as three tanks of gas. You will burn that much if not more on sitting in traffic. Also budget into your plans a re-alignment of your tires once you get back. You will need it.
So again, this is a call for all those considering attendance at the Democratic National Convention to reconsider. If you do go, adjust your budget for plenty of gas, and reconsider spending it on anything but the bare essentials. This sucks, but Charlotte needs to understand that while road work is progress, doing so in the middle of the highest gas prices in years is not a good idea.
If You Read One Book About Appalachian Political Economy..Read This One
This is sure to be a great book on place, Appalachia, and creating your sense of place in Appalachian. It is edited by a good friend and former professor so I know it will not disappoint. Give it a try!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Excrementum Tauri
I have recently written about teachers and those who deal with children being thrown under the bus, some for good reason, and some not. This is a case where a bus driver is literally and figuratively being thrown under a bus.
In all of the reports I have heard or read, the driver was distracted by a student misbehaving giving yet another example of kids not acting appropriately in a given situation. Heaven forbid junior wait until he gets to school safely before he turns into a roaming jerk. No junior has to become "Mr. Painin D. Kneck" as soon as he gets on the bus. Now, since the student's actions did not follow directions, 12 people went to the hospital and a bus driver is out of work.
This is a growing trend, and it needs to stop now. Students today have no consequences for their actions. They can skate by without any real punishment. I understand this all sounds like a mean ole teacher complaining but it is true. My students will tell you I am the first to hop on the bandwagon of a student who succeeds. I am also the first to tear into them if the misbehave or stop working. Students have not effort, and no need to.
They have been handed a great deal more than even my generation (which was pretty spoiled), and they have really squandered it. Gracious knows you do not take way what they have been is rightfully theirs from the beginning. No longer does a child earn a D, but they earn every bit of an A. Many kids today do not understand the stories I tell about being glad to make a C in a hard class. My college astronomy class story (when I was glad for a D..I was way out of my league but too stupid to realize it) puzzles them. When told, it inevitably invokes the response "Why didn't you call your mom and have her fix it?" Why didn't I? I was scared to death to let her know I had made such a bad grade.
I will climb off the soapbox, but before I go I will say this to those of you who will be doing the hiring and firing of these young people coming up. There are plenty of good ones. Many of my students are smart and can be taught, however, many more are hopeless. Please, please be careful in picking through applications. There are plenty of bad apples out their, don't pick one over a good apple.
I have recently written about teachers and those who deal with children being thrown under the bus, some for good reason, and some not. This is a case where a bus driver is literally and figuratively being thrown under a bus.
In all of the reports I have heard or read, the driver was distracted by a student misbehaving giving yet another example of kids not acting appropriately in a given situation. Heaven forbid junior wait until he gets to school safely before he turns into a roaming jerk. No junior has to become "Mr. Painin D. Kneck" as soon as he gets on the bus. Now, since the student's actions did not follow directions, 12 people went to the hospital and a bus driver is out of work.
This is a growing trend, and it needs to stop now. Students today have no consequences for their actions. They can skate by without any real punishment. I understand this all sounds like a mean ole teacher complaining but it is true. My students will tell you I am the first to hop on the bandwagon of a student who succeeds. I am also the first to tear into them if the misbehave or stop working. Students have not effort, and no need to.
They have been handed a great deal more than even my generation (which was pretty spoiled), and they have really squandered it. Gracious knows you do not take way what they have been is rightfully theirs from the beginning. No longer does a child earn a D, but they earn every bit of an A. Many kids today do not understand the stories I tell about being glad to make a C in a hard class. My college astronomy class story (when I was glad for a D..I was way out of my league but too stupid to realize it) puzzles them. When told, it inevitably invokes the response "Why didn't you call your mom and have her fix it?" Why didn't I? I was scared to death to let her know I had made such a bad grade.
I will climb off the soapbox, but before I go I will say this to those of you who will be doing the hiring and firing of these young people coming up. There are plenty of good ones. Many of my students are smart and can be taught, however, many more are hopeless. Please, please be careful in picking through applications. There are plenty of bad apples out their, don't pick one over a good apple.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
500th Visitor
We did it! The 500th ClustrMaps visitor mark was reached by best miscalculation around 12 noon today in Atlanta as tracked. Thanks to all the folks who have really read this blog. Nature Bridge Station,VA has been a popular visitor to not only my personal blog but the AMGOVECONATOR and to Mr. D's sites. Thank You! It appears that the regulars are regular as regulars tend to be. Thank you as well!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
What Is Wrong With This Picture?!?
I found both of these articles irksome in different ways. Both deal with education, and both deal with people making decisions. What I find the most frustrating about teaching is have EVERY decision made in the classroom second guessed. Wither it is parent questioning junior's failing grade on standardized tests, or administration wondering why junior scored so well on standardized tests...(it's never that the teacher taught well, and always that the test is too easy) For the most part teachers are professionals, and act so. Sometimes even the most professional teacher makes a bad decision, or does something they normally would not do. It happens. Even professional athletes strike out or miss freethrows. We all know how revered they are.
The first article reports about a track volunteer being asked to "un-volunteer" for attended a prom with a student. This student had been struggling socially due not speaking English well. The coach went to promote the student's self confidence and did so under the stipulation that the student would improve their English. Personally I have been asked to proms, and had I been older and not as baby-faced as I was, I would have gone. Students need these types of social events as part of their development. If you believe any of the John Ford movies of the 1980's, you will understand that prom is the singular most important event of high school. Like, Duh!!
And to beat all this coach has proven successful in growing a program, and track no less. Neither tasks are easy, and is a testament to the coach and her husband. Now, the school is seeking to take apart a winning team (which will effect many more students negatively) because the coach attempted positive change for another. Explain that to me. Explain too the fact that the father of the student had to given permission. If you can explain this, please post a comment and I'd been willing to listen.
The second article demands equal explanation yet on the other side of the coin. Where the first seems to be a bit harsh, the second article seems a bit not. Allegedly a teacher ranted, and raved about President Obama to a student. At some point there might have been some profanity, which is un-excusable. No one should cuss at a student not matter how much you might want. There is video evidence of the event (has anyone asked why the students had their cell phones out recording all school I've been around allows them during instructional time), and the teacher goes a bit nuts.
What is hard to explain in this situation is why less was done. The teacher is clearly in the wrong. As a civics teacher you try to bait students, there is some inherent in this, but it needs to be done so in a way that no single side is taken. I prefer to place a group of students opposed to another. You may play each side against the other and argue multiple points from the middle. While this teacher is guilty of more than just bad planning, nothing seems to be being done. Especially when placed next to the first article, the teacher in the second article seems to be more in line for punishment than the first.
I'm not a big fan of throwing teachers under the bus, though it seems that I am doing so. Both teachers made mistakes, so what?!? We all do it! Is there something magically different about teachers than other professionals. Is there a second set of standards for us? Are we supposed to teach you student and be perfect? If that's the case, we need a raise! And oh while your at it, why not start parenting your own child so we are not constantly having to.
I found both of these articles irksome in different ways. Both deal with education, and both deal with people making decisions. What I find the most frustrating about teaching is have EVERY decision made in the classroom second guessed. Wither it is parent questioning junior's failing grade on standardized tests, or administration wondering why junior scored so well on standardized tests...(it's never that the teacher taught well, and always that the test is too easy) For the most part teachers are professionals, and act so. Sometimes even the most professional teacher makes a bad decision, or does something they normally would not do. It happens. Even professional athletes strike out or miss freethrows. We all know how revered they are.
The first article reports about a track volunteer being asked to "un-volunteer" for attended a prom with a student. This student had been struggling socially due not speaking English well. The coach went to promote the student's self confidence and did so under the stipulation that the student would improve their English. Personally I have been asked to proms, and had I been older and not as baby-faced as I was, I would have gone. Students need these types of social events as part of their development. If you believe any of the John Ford movies of the 1980's, you will understand that prom is the singular most important event of high school. Like, Duh!!
And to beat all this coach has proven successful in growing a program, and track no less. Neither tasks are easy, and is a testament to the coach and her husband. Now, the school is seeking to take apart a winning team (which will effect many more students negatively) because the coach attempted positive change for another. Explain that to me. Explain too the fact that the father of the student had to given permission. If you can explain this, please post a comment and I'd been willing to listen.
The second article demands equal explanation yet on the other side of the coin. Where the first seems to be a bit harsh, the second article seems a bit not. Allegedly a teacher ranted, and raved about President Obama to a student. At some point there might have been some profanity, which is un-excusable. No one should cuss at a student not matter how much you might want. There is video evidence of the event (has anyone asked why the students had their cell phones out recording all school I've been around allows them during instructional time), and the teacher goes a bit nuts.
What is hard to explain in this situation is why less was done. The teacher is clearly in the wrong. As a civics teacher you try to bait students, there is some inherent in this, but it needs to be done so in a way that no single side is taken. I prefer to place a group of students opposed to another. You may play each side against the other and argue multiple points from the middle. While this teacher is guilty of more than just bad planning, nothing seems to be being done. Especially when placed next to the first article, the teacher in the second article seems to be more in line for punishment than the first.
I'm not a big fan of throwing teachers under the bus, though it seems that I am doing so. Both teachers made mistakes, so what?!? We all do it! Is there something magically different about teachers than other professionals. Is there a second set of standards for us? Are we supposed to teach you student and be perfect? If that's the case, we need a raise! And oh while your at it, why not start parenting your own child so we are not constantly having to.
How'd You Like Me Now? A Political Cartoon
If he was so smart at Harvard, why does he end up sounding like this today?
If he was so smart at Harvard, why does he end up sounding like this today?
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