Thursday, May 24, 2012

Excrementum Tauri

I have recently written about teachers and those who deal with children being thrown under the bus, some for good reason, and some not. This is a case where a bus driver is literally and figuratively being thrown under a bus. 

In all of the reports I have heard or read, the driver was distracted by a student misbehaving giving yet another example of kids not acting appropriately in a given situation. Heaven forbid junior wait until he gets to school safely before he turns into a roaming jerk. No junior has to become "Mr. Painin D. Kneck" as soon as he gets on the bus. Now, since the student's actions did not follow directions, 12 people went to the hospital and a bus driver is out of work.

This is a growing trend, and it needs to stop now.  Students today have no consequences for their actions.  They can skate by without any real punishment.  I understand this all sounds like a mean ole teacher complaining but it is true.  My students will tell you I am the first to hop on the bandwagon of a student who succeeds.  I am also the first to tear into them if the misbehave or stop working. Students have not effort, and no need to.

They have been handed a great deal more than even my generation (which was pretty spoiled), and they have really squandered it.  Gracious knows you do not take way what they have been is rightfully theirs from the beginning.  No longer does a child earn a D, but they earn every bit of an A.  Many kids today do not understand the stories I tell about being glad to make a C in a hard class.  My college astronomy class story (when I was glad for a D..I was way out of my league but too stupid to realize it) puzzles them.  When told, it inevitably invokes the response "Why didn't you call your mom and have her fix it?" Why didn't I? I was scared to death to let her know I had made such a bad grade.

I will climb off the soapbox, but before I go I will say this to those of you who will be doing the hiring and firing of these young people coming up.  There are plenty of good ones.  Many of my students are smart and can be taught, however, many more are hopeless.  Please, please be careful in picking through applications.  There are plenty of bad apples out their, don't pick one over a good apple.

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