As I viewed this imagine one question comes to mind. Immoral? Really? Okay that's two.
Understandably this person thinks that the government stepping in to help American citizens without healthcare is one step to far, which she is entitled to think. This sign however, begs a serious question. Is Obamacare really immoral? If it is immoral, is it more or less immoral than allowing people to suffer? These are questions people do not think about when making up signs like this, and it is starting to show the rest of the world the wrong things about America.
Yes we live in a land were the healthy discussion of ideas and thoughts is a welcomed event. Yes this young lady has every right to produce a sign, and carry that sign at a peaceful assembly of people, but does the country need to make this a moral issue? Bringing morals into an argument is a dangerous things, and ultimately negates any chance for a decent discussion. What is moral to someone is always going to be immoral to someone else. That is a given.
For the sake of argument, we can operate under the pretense that government mandated healthcare is immoral. Is not providing affordable healthcare for millions of Americans moral? Is allowing Americans suffer and in some cases die because you do not want a minor infringement of the government moral? Gee if it is, I do not want to be around you when the government might want to say protect you from threats both foreign and domestic. Yeah I can make that leap from healthcare to protection provided by the U.S military. They are all the same in my book because I classify such things as a government infringement I can live with. If they government starts to tell me what I can say, or think..that is when the problems come into play.
If I could give this young lady just one piece advice it would be: "Leave morals out of it. You are always going to be right and the other guy wrong when you do" but I'm of the opposing viewpoint, therefore I'm immoral too.she probably would not listen anyway...
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