Thursday, April 19, 2012

First Amendment Fever

First and foremost I would like to apologize to Thomas Jefferson.  Why? you on...

I guess the First Amendment has come back to bite..or shall I say scratched Ted Nugent.  Nugent's remarks about President Obama have warranted a Secret Service investigation, and rightfully so. I find it a bit humorous that someone who calms to love the Constitution and understands it fully is in hot water for making comments that are Unconstitutional. According to the First Amendment Center, speech that can be deemed, fighting words,incitement to imminent lawless action, and true threats  are not protected by the Constitution.  If what Nugent said is true "I don't waste my breathe with threats" than he initial comments are not protected by the Constitution

He Looks Like A Constitutional Scholar To Me

It has been my experience that people who claim to "know the Constitution" or "Think it should be upheld" tend to not really know all there is to the document, nor the real ins and outs.  The Supreme Court (whom I am sure Mr. Nugent find much to liberal..not that it really matters what he thinks) would proably uphold the Secret Service's actions in investigating and charging Nugent for making threats..and certainly for making threats about the President.

The other humorous twist that I find in this is the fact that people who claim to support the Constitution (a governing document) would make threats on the people in the seat of authority.  It appears to me that Mr. Nugent likes authority, just not the authority in office.  Does anyone else see that as hypocritical? I would be willing to bet a months wage that Nugent would not be making the same comments about President Bush, John McCain, and certainly not Sarah Palin.  No..that's the kind of authority he likes so he wouldn't dare do that.  That's just alittle too hypocritical for my blood, but it works for some people.

Being around this stuff on a regular basis, I am always struck (though I shouldn't be) that my 8th graders tend to know more about the Constitution than "experts" on Fox, MSNBC or 95% of most adults for that matter.  What happens to people when they leave school?  Does the essential knowledge of government just going flying out the window?  Do people become indoctrinated into a certain paradigm never to emerge from it's grips again?  I just wonder.  People obviously do not think about the government as much as the should, otherwise we would not have the problems we have now, therefore I end this post as I started by saying "I'm sorry Mr. Jefferson."

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