Yesterday I wrote about the shear lack of courtesy and political wherewithal exhibited by Representative Morgan Griffith of Virginia in not returning a endorsement granted him by Mitt Romney in Griffith's bid for the 9th District seat in 2010. Griffith has stated that he was in a different place in 2010 as compared to now, thus he could not endorse Romney. I, of course, see this as weakness in the Republican Party and predict that such weakness will propel President Obama to a second term. As I think more about it there seems to be something wrong with the notion that the Governor of Massachusetts is concerned with who holds the 9th District of Virginia. It would seem that the concern crosses not only state lines, but levels of government. Romney is after at the state level, while Griffith was at the time at the state level seeking a national level position. What could be the cause of such strange bedfellows?
I reread the quote from the article in my mind several times, then it dawned on me. Money! Romney's PAC or 501c4 Organization helped to fund Griffith's campaign. (This may not have been such a struggle for some of you, but this is my blog and I was building effect). During the campaign, Griffith basically painted the district with smear tactics against Rick Boucher lumping Boucher in with President Obama and "liberal Democrats." Living in an area serviced by media based in the district, I was overrun with Griffith media. Even when I visited Tennessee, also within media range of the 9th district, ads were on constantly for Griffith.
We teach our students that media advertisements are the number one campaign cost for a politician seeking office. Griffith easily had a thirty second ad on every radio break, and at least every other TV break on each Roanoke stations. Along with the Bristol and Johnson City, Tennessee stations (both reach well into the 9th District) could and did really ad up. A close reading of Griffith's campaign financing report will show though that he had plenty of money in addition to Romney's. (I put a interesting website for Griffith's report at the top of the page..check out #12..pretty good for a family values Republican right?) During the campaign, financing came up several times in the debate and through the media. Griffith accused Boucher of missuing campaign funds, while Boucher relied almost solely on his record in the House. It seems a bit odd that someone who argued for campaign finance reform, had PACs and Governors of Massachusetts handing him money.
It is pretty easy to see that money was the root of Romney's concern with Griffith, but lets play something out here. IF Griffith were to endorse Romney, which he may very well have to, and IF Romney were to win the election in 2012, who do you think would be right there voting along side the President then? Certainly would not be Rich Boucher.
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