Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ghost Busters


I knew that Newt Gingrich was a techno nerd, but I did not know he was into Ghost Busters too.  It seems he has an affinity for worrying about ghosts that he obviously knows nothing about.  I dove deeper into this ghost that has got the Republican "Nomne" all in a fuss and found out a few things not mentioned in the article above.  What I learned just proves how little we need Newt Gingrich at the helm of this country and the fact Gingrich has mentioned him as much as he has brings several thinking points to mind

First.  Saul Alinsky was a community organizer that was primarily concerned with slums in Chicago....in the 1960's.  He wrote what is considered required reading for all would-be organizers (though for some reason I never read him at Emory in any of my classes..that I remember).  Alinsky's books have been read by everyone from President Obama to Dick Army.  His books have warranted book responses by the right, but even high ranking Tea Party leaders have been known to read the originals. Fortune 500 companies hand them out at corporate retreats on leadership and highlight his notions of taking negative attributes and making them positive ones.  Does someone who is as widely read really pose that much of a problem to the fiber of our country? I think Gingrich's worry about someone simply because of the title of their books is a bit misguided.

Saul Alinsky

Secondly, Gingrich has taken pages from the Alinsky play book.  Has he not been the belle of the debates when asked questions meant for him to dodge? I do recall him not wanting to delve into his married life, but he did anyway.  In doing so he earned a much needed standing ovation and a bump in the polls.  Has he not deflected his critics by bullying them, thus making he seem tough.  To me all this does is show how tough he can be on fluff ball matters, but apparently Republican voters like it.  We should give ole Newty boy the benefit of the doubt.  Maybe he has not read the books.  Maybe he is simply trying to use some of his old fashion home spun wisdom from down on the farm.  Ok I will lighten up on him.  I was taught not to pick on people who really don't know their Shinola from...well..shit. 

Finally, what the hell is a small government, Reganite, cut taxes, Tea Party Republican doing espousing the Federalist Papers?  Did he not think some people would notice that? Poli Sci 101 Newt, the Federalist wanted a strong central government,high taxes, and welfare programs.  They wanted the very type of government your party hates. Honestly, I just have to call BS on that one. All bets off for a second here.  If Newt Gingrich thinks that be invoking the Federalist Papers is going to make him seem smart, then he is simply dumber than he looks.  I know the man is educated, he does have  Ph.D. Surely in all of his time in school he would have put two and two together and said "Hmm I don't agree with the Federalist Papers because the promote the very things Republicans don't like." 

Newt Gingrich Espousing The Federalist Papers, or His Job Plan, or One Of His Other Plans

I'm sorry Newt, I really am, but you really just lost my vote.  Not because you are a dirt bag who cheated on not one but two wives. Not because your ideas are just crap, and not even really because your pretty much a racist. No, I am not voting for you because you thought that as a Republican the Federalist Papers were a good thing.  Oh and if you were to some how intellectually back up your statement about the Federalist Papers, I'm still not going to vote for you because you cheated on your (sick) wives, your ideas are crap, oh..your a bully, and you are pretty much a racist.  Good luck in Florida, Newt. I hope you lose

P.S. If Newt is taking on ghosts, who is next? Ayn Rand? Look out Adam Smith, he might be hunting you next. He ain't afraid of no ghost

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