Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Applauding A Republican Candidate For Being Reasonable....Opps

When I wrote my article about Rick Perry having a reasonable stance on immigration, I had no idea that he would come out with this kind of mindless drivel that not only shows his lack of understanding about American today, but of American history.  His add shows just how unaware conservatives are when it comes to their on contradictions, and how the rest of America really perceives them.

First look at the idea of gays in the military.  As a non-veteran, I understand there are some unseen problems in the introduction of new policies in the military.  Some of those who serve may have a problem serving along side those who are gay.  At the same time some may have a hard time serving next to blacks, hispanics, asians or women.  I can at least respect that because you are serving and I am not.  You have earned the right to be critical of who you serve with insofar as whether they are mentally and physically able. But on the grounds of their color, race, gender, or sexual preference? What I do not understand is how someone can look at another person, who obviously shares the core belief that military service is worthwhile, and say they should not be able to serve.  A weak comparison would be for me to say to a fellow Mason, "You shouldn't be a Mason because you are Baptist." Obviously those who join the military have similar values and core beliefs, why limit or hinder that?

A second point on this: Why is that Republicans, the "party of 'Merica." are so opposed to letting people serve "'merica."  I thought Republicans, Conservatives, or simply Patriotic people in general would want ANYONE who was willing to serve their country to be able.  Why do we need to place restrictions, institutionalized or not, on service to this country.  Older Americans say that my generation and those after mine are afraid to serve.  Could it be that we want to serve but are not wanting to serve and be left unappreciated? I simply cannot get my mind around the paradox that has been created around the issue of gays serving in the military.  On top of all this, the branches are struggling to get people to join.  Enlistment numbers are down across every branch. Re-enlistment rates are declining. Why then are we going to alienate a whole group of people from serving who want to?  Explain that to me Rick Perry? Explain that to me Conservatives who are afraid of gays serving? Please, I beg you. It just seems to be a contradiction in my mind.

Finally I would like to comment on this mis-conceived notion of America being founded solely on the conservative beliefs of the founding fathers.  I still struggle with how the right got hold of this idea and why they hang on to it so fearfully.  Yes, the founders mention God, but the God they mention is not the same God of Ricky Perry, George W. Bush or even Jimmy Carter.  The God of Jefferson, Adams and Franklin was the God as a watchmaker.  Just as the watchmaker places the parts together, and sets them in motion, God set the pieces of a life together and set them in motion.  I doubt Jefferson would say he had a personal relationship with God as many mainstream Christians would say they do today.  I know with little doubt that Franklin would let his religious beliefs get in the way of what felt was best for the country.  Franklin saw God as someone and set back, allowing for human judgments to stand and actions to be taken.  God was present, but only as a Supreme Architect, who built the universe and set us to work. As children of the Enlightenment, the founders would have seen it up to the individual to determine their fate on Earth.

Conservatives have this thought in their brains that "liberals" have this sceme to fight a war on religion.  Liberals are not fighting a war on religion, if anything they are fight a war for religion.  It may not be a war for Southern Baptist who go to Rick Perry's church. (By the way, what church goes Rick Perry go to? Why is he not in the pew every Sunday? I thought to be a "good Christian" you needed to be in the pew every Sunday") It is not even a war for us fence riding Methodist, but a war for all religion. It is a war for all Americans to worship how they wish, or not worship at all. Is that not what the pilgrams came over on the Mayflower in search of?  Is that not what we have fought for all along?

 I'm religious, even if I struggle with faith, and I see a wonderful place for religion in our country and in politics for that matter.    In my mind church based relief organizations and NGOs are a VITAL part of the social safety net for those who need it.  We want our government to help those in need, yet we do not want a large government.  That is were the church, secular and religious NGOs step into the breach.  They are vital! Think of the problems our country would face without churches.

In closing, I should say that I have been too hard on conservatives in this post, and is others.  In order to be fair and true to what I believe, I should listen to what they have to say. After I have check what they believe against what I believe and start a dialog.  It has been my intetion all along with this blog to do so, so if you want to join the fray do not be afraid.  I want to hear what you have to say.  Am I way off my rocker?  Am I spot on?  Write me a comment and tell me.

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