Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Houston, This Might Be A Problem!


It would be redundant to mention the fact the the First Amendment states pretty clearly that citizens have the right to peaceful protest. Redundant as it may be: American Citizens have a Constitutional right to peaceable protest.  This new statute makes it illegal to "knowingly" protest something. Hmm if I know enough about something to exercise my First Amendment right to protest it, does that mandate that I am "knowingly" protesting?

I understand fully the fears the government has about people doing crazy things under the guise of the First Amendment, and thanks to the break in of a state dinner early in the Obama they have to worry about housewives trying to get their picture taken, but please do not tread on the rights of other citizens who want to protest peacefully.  We might want to use them in a manner that is tasteful, and will not get us a gig on Bravo Channel.

If this law does anything it is yet another step in the direction of tyranny and the obstruction of American civil liberties.  The original author if the piece linked above show the wherewithal that Representative Rooney lacks in the last line of the article.  We do not know how this law will be used to limit protest in the further anymore than the Supreme Court knew claiming corporations as people would have in 2012.  Congressman Rooney states that it is a subtle difference in wording, but seems to not understand the subtle differences made between a protester and fence jumper.

This is yet another example of how short-sightedness is going to get this country in trouble if we are not careful.  The Supreme Court has yet to debate this law, but we can only hope that they see the error in Congress's ways and repeals this law.

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