Monday, November 14, 2011

Didn't See This Coming! My Thoughts On Taxes.

I honestly did not see this coming, but I am glad I read this.  Originally, I was a side by side with the Occupy Wall Streeters in my thoughts about taxing the richest, but apparently I need to rethink that notion.  In doing so I came up with my own plan that has three parts. I can't remember the third part..oops, sorry.  Actually I can.  Here they are. 1) Lower corporate taxes to 25% and close loopholes.  2) Raise middle class taxes 6% 3) Cut Federal Education Spending. With my limited understanding 10% should do...yeah I said it.

1) You cannot convince me that there is not a way to close the mile wide loopholes that these corporations have been driving Mac trucks through all these years.  A drop to 25% and tightening of loop holes should make up for the cheating 2% on the middle class taxes.  The wealthy need to pay more, they make more.  Yes it's their money, yes it socialism to take it away from them.  They are not, however, going to have people come work from them if they cannot afford to work, which is what is going to happen if taxes on the middle class increase too much. People will simply stay at home and draw off the government.

2) I am middle class.  As I said earlier I thought the wealthiest could carry the full load, but I will take this article at face value and assume it is correct.  (If it is not then I get another blog out of it)  By no means can the middle class take more than a 10% rate increase, 8% mentioned in the article is too high for my blood, but I will settle for 6%.  With loopholes closed and my plan to cut Federal Education spending, we should be ok.

3) My argument against Federal education spending starts at the beginning.  Nowhere in the Constitution is there any word about education.  (Yes it is a slippery slope to be quoting the Constitution) Education is a state issue per the Tenth Amendment that reserves any powers not enumerated in the Constitution to be left to the states.  I therefore, support that education is a state issue.  Most federal education mandates go sadly un/underfunded anyway.  By tightening the belt, we might, hopefully, get rid of wasteful programs like Race To The Top, and No Child Left Behind (A race by nature means someone is left behind).

Federal education leaves schools pinning for moneys that are not worth the troubles they cause.  By everything I have seen (with my own two eyes,see also these federal mandates are only hurting education.  Besides, cutting federal funding will force localities to run their school boards more efficiently and effectively.  People do  not realize the monumental paradigm shifts made in the education world to obtain federal monies.  Far too often school boards cut off their noses to spite their faces, and in the end it is the educators and students that are hurt.  Programs labored over for years, often in search of more money, are torn down over-night in search of more money.  In addition once federal monies do come in, it leads to wasteful spending on things like cheesecakes, I-Tunes cds, hardhats, and Ipads that remain locked in offices.  As my grandfather was known to say "They can't chase you if you don't run."  Schools cannot waste money they do not have.

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