Friday, October 28, 2011

Student Debt Repayment

I have three points with this article and I will unabashingly say that my liberal streak is show a little with each of them
1) Stop being hyper-critical of President of Obama and his policies. 
      a) If it was a Republican everything he did would be golden
      b) Anyone in the office would have to be trying the same policies
2) This is not that different from supply side economic recovery that was used to get us out of the Great Depression
3) Many people with student loans are stuck in jobs that will never allow them to pay it off. Not for a lack of effort on our part, but because decent jobs still do not pay enough

1) Stop being hyper-critical of President Obama and his policies.  By no means has President Obama be perfect in his running of the country, but anyone who would occupy the office would have to be trying the same policies.  Yes, if a Republican was in the White House they would be doing some things differently, but then again there are only so many different ways to pull an economy like ours out of a recession.  What really would be worse, is if there was a Republican in office.  Then we would have had to hear the same Republicans calling President Obama socialist, calling McCain a socialist.  That would be infinitely worse. As it stands now, Republicans calling a Democrat a socialist is nothing new.  McCain, or god forbid Romney, were in office, they would have by now reached the end of their conservative measures to fix the economy and would be trying things that  President Obama is trying now.  What I am trying to say, to make it clear, is that people need to stop being hyper-critical and give some time to these plans.  Let them gain footing.  The Great Depression did not end over night, neither will the Great Depression.  To think so simply show your ignorance of economics.

2) This is not that different from supply side economic recovery that was used to get us out of the Great Depression.  President Roosevelt used strategies designed to allow businesses to flourish or what economist call supply side measures Government spending was used to help business literally produce their way out of the Depression.  All of those CCC workers needed tools to build the damn, roads, and bridges.  WPA agencies had to have money to hire the workers being sent back to work.  Where did that money come from?  Not from thin air.  President Obama's plans are simply the other side of the supply and demand curve.  Rightfully, from my humble economic background, he is correct in assuming that if people have money in their pockets they will spend it.  They are going to buy new things, it's vital that we do.  Last I check too, President Bush did the same thing.  Like it our not, our economy is a consumer driven economy that relies on the consumer to buy.  If we want to heal out weak economy when much consume.  Just as the American economy was a production economy during the Great Depression and President Roosevelt used supply sided economic measures, President Obama is face with a consumer economy and must use demand side economic measures. 

3) Many people with student loans are stuck in jobs that will never allow them to pay it off. Not for a lack of effort on our part, but because decent jobs still do not pay enough.  Opponents of these measure often attack people with student loans as if were are all free loaders, and simply wanted to go to college to buy some time.  This is not true for almost any of the people I know.  Yes, there are those out there, but my goodness. 

I am a teacher.  I have a Master's Degree that allows me to teach.  That Master's Degree was not cheap, and I would not have been able to earn it without student loans.  I received a top-notch education at Emory & Henry, that was not cheap either, but there is not a single day that goes by that I do not use something I learned while in college.  I would not be where I am today, a productive (though under appreciated) member of society, who pays my taxes, and certain is trying my damnedest to teach the next generation of kids about the very government and economic systems that they will one day take over. 

Oh and hey, lay off the kids who major in philosophy. We need them.  We need people with vision, with ideals.  And just because they aren't working doesn't mean that they don't want to, it's because these people who don't want the government to do anything make it damn hard for the government to do anything in the way of creating jobs. 

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