Sunday, September 2, 2012

Divisive Is A Two Way Street

While I do not particularly like Bill Maker's approach of not giving his guest their due on this chip I think he has a valid point. His show is by no means my favorite. Not because of his religion or lack there of, he's language and cockiness are what turn me off.  With what he says, I often agree, but I don't care for the way he delivers it.  In my opinion he is not much different than the Republican quack jobs at FOX which he loathes so.  That being said I like what his point is on the clip.  

I feel as though division is a two way street.  Yes, there is a time for standing up for what you believe, but there is also a time for going with the plan...I think I read that somewhere..maybe not those exact words, but something like that....oh yeah the Bible which Republican supposedly use as their playbook. Should Republicans have wanted to get things done while the Obama administration was in office, they needed to understand the need to work with the administration. Sure, President Obama could have worked better with Republicans, but HE is the President after all.  HE won the election, and it is HIS policies that will ultimately be scorned or loved in history.  HE is the man in the arena now, and if the Republicans want to throw road block after road block....which they's egg on their face.  They've taken their ball and gone home, leaving the rest of us standing on the field with nothing left to do...or so we think

The American people are not as dumb and anyone in Washington thinks.  Republicans think we are not going to notice the fact that leaders in their party have publicly stated they were going to stand in the way of anything President Obama tries to pass.  President Obama thinks that we won't notice the fact that he has dodged some serious problems in the country.  Both parties have forgotten that is is us, they work for and us that put them them.  Now I am not one of these "vote'em all out" types, but there are things we can be doing to let officeholders know about the problems we face.  Writing a letter or making a call is just ask effective at voting.  I would say send an email but those are pithy when compared to a hands on, lick the stamp letter.  Voting out someone who is not a member of your party isn't always good. Yeah you might not agree with them on one thing or another, but there are plenty of things that that representative has done to help your area, and you need not lose sight of that. James Madison is credited for saying "You do not have to take part in Government, but Government will take part in your life."  Effective communication with your government official is critical no matter their party or yours.  Let them know what you think on the issues and their actions.  Do not let it only be negative either.  Despite what you think, they have the interest of your area in mind when they are acting.  

Politics is about give and take, we have lost sight of that in this country.  It has too easily become Republicans v. Democrats.  I understand this sound idealistic and grandiose but we need to get back to the basics of debate and compromise.  Republicans are guilty when a Democrat is in office, Democrats when a Republican holds, but it would seem particularly bad right now. Division is a two way street. It is your choice to take the ball and go home.  You can just as easily come back and play the game harder..which sadly the Republicans haven't done with this Romney/Ryan ticket..but who's counting.  It is also our choice, as those left with no game to play, to yell and scream as you walk away.  Guess what else is our choice?  Not to let you play again when you come back tomorrow.  Yes that is matching wrong with wrong, but we can.  If we really want to play ball, which many Americans want, we will not ban you. Division is a two way street, the sooner we recognize that, the better off we are. 

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