Friday, November 4, 2011

Why Can They Not All Be Like This

Understandably there is some biases present in this post.  The first is Senator Alexander is from Tennessee, the second being: I read this article because it was sent to me by subscription from Senator Alexander's office.  We teach our students to detect bias, but I just made it very easy to spot it in regards to the sources.  Also, I am sure that there are others out there in the Senate and the House that work as hard/well with the other party to make things better.

I would however like to make a few comments on this notion that people have to work "across party lines." We pat them on the back as if it was something done at great danger to their political careers.  What happened to the notion that they were in Washington to make things better for ALL of us, not just the party.  Yes, as Senator Alexander points out, times have been harder.  Yes, things have been worse (I'm guilty of saying "It could be worse"), but why can it not be better? By no means am I attempting to negate Senator Alexander's work, in fact I am writing to thank him.

Last month, I went to see Dorris Kearnes Goodwin in Roanoke.  During her presentation she spoke about this subject and how bi-partisan Washington has been in the past.  She spoke about the genius Lyndon Johnson had in reaching across the lines to get things done.  Understandably it was done with the "Johnson Treatment" but some of the most important legislation singed during the Johnson Administration was steared by Democrats and Republicans.  Senators Everett Dirksen (R-IL),Thomas Kuchel (R-CA), Hubert Humprey (D-MN), and Mike Mansfield (D-MT) wrote a revision of the bill during the inital fillibuster for the bill.  If both parties can work as well to pass something as controversal then, why not now? We do not need a partisan Superman that will save us from our woes.  We need 535 men and women to help sign on to what the American people have been saying for awhile now. 

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